viernes, 8 de enero de 2010

Dear diary: I went to the hospital today. I just wanted to see her.
She looks bad. I mean, i may be the only one who still thinks she is beautiful, even when her pale skin is going almost white and her hair looks dry.
She looks so tiny, and i know her heart won't be beating for a long time. But i still love her. Like the first time she kissed me, like the first time she held my hand.
Like the first time i heard she was sick, and she was almost dying in an hospital bed.
Now i miss her, i miss her smile, her voice on my ear.
and i know she won't be here for long.

I have always wondered... How can a girl like she be so sick?
Did no one told her she was the prettiest thing on earth?
Did no one ever told her she was perfect, and that she was loved?

Because i was too late. I was late to save her, and now i held my heart on my hand everyday, hoping she will wake up again.
Hoping she won't die tonight

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